By; #Phakama Shili
A) Introduction
The law of
succession regulates the form and manner in which a deceased person’s estate is
dealt with.[1]
This is regardless as to whether the deceased died having made a will or not; that
is to say whether the person died testate or intestate. Swaziland observes a
dual legal system which comprises of the modern law inherited through the Roman
Dutch Common Law and Swazi customary law a bulk of which is not written and
emanates from the long practices by indigenous Swazis. With this status core
Swaziland’s law of succession varies depending on the form of marriage which
persons enter into. For instance a civil rites marriage is regulated by the
Intestate Succession Act No 3/1957 whilst inheritance in a customary marriage
is regulated by Swazi customary law.
under Swazi customary law does not allow women to inherit from the estates of
their late husband’s and relatives. Girls do not succeed to their father unless
their father makes a donation to them during his lifetime.[2] Widows only succeed in exceptional
circumstances where the rules of intestacy fail to provide an heir, they may
enjoy use of the heirs inheritance provided they stay with him.[3] The established rules of inheritance under
Swazi customary law only allow males to inherit property from a deceased
person. This discrimination is justified by the minority status which women
possess until they die. The principles of customary law have also restrain
freedom of testation as the family inner council (lusendvo- composes of the deceased headman’s family, including his
aunts, uncles, and brothers and sisters) is the final arbiter in dealing with a
deceased person’s estate. In most
instances a will under customary law is not written and does not comply with the
provisions of the Wills Act which makes it prone to manipulation by the lusendvo who may disinherit
This paper seeks
to critically analyse the order of succession in terms of intestate succession
under Swazi customary law and further discuss the recognition or otherwise of
testate succession or succession in terms of a will with a view to make
recommendations on the reformation of Swazi customary law and the making of a
law that will take into account the provisions of the Constitution[4] to
regulate succession under Swazi customary law.
B) The order of succession under Swazi
Customary Law.
succession in Swaziland is regulated by two very old and discriminatory
legislations; the Intestate Succession Act 3/1953 and the Administration of
Estates Act 29/1902.[5] These
laws discriminates Africans from non-Africans and treats differently customary
marriages from civil rights marriages. A clear example is that of section 4 of
the Intestate Succession Act which provides that the Act shall not apply to
Africans whose estates are to be dealt
with in terms of the customs of that African as provided by section 68 of the
Administration of Estates Act. [6] In light
of these provisions then Swazi Customary law comes into play to regulate
intestate succession of estates of Swazis who are married on customary marriage
and die having not made a will.
As already
stated, under Swazi customary law women are not considered to inherit the
estates of their late husbands and fathers. In terms of Swazi customary law
there is only one heir who succeeds to the whole estate of the deceased and
such person is chosen by lusendvo.
Where the deceased headman had one wife, his eldest son, in the absence of
factors which may disqualify him becomes heir.[7] This
therefore means that his siblings will not inherit but only benefit from the
estate through their brother. This preference of the eldest son over his
siblings and mother goes against the dictates of the Constitution which
provides for equal treatment and non-discrimination of women.[8]
If the deceased dies having married to two or
more wives, the lusendvo will choose
the principal wife and the oldest son of that wife or house will become the
main heir.[9] The main
house is chosen on the basis of the ranking of the wives and character plays a
crucial role in this regard. The discretion of lusendvo to select the main house may also be influenced by several
reasons like the blue blood of the wife or the wife shares the same surname
with the grandmother of the deceased husband or the wife was married through
arranged marriage (kwendzisa). Apart from these considerations the lusendvo may appoint a principal wife on
the basis of her personality and relations with the family members.
It is important
to note at this point that the factors outlined above may also be overlooked by
the lusendvo to benefit a house which
they favour most. This situation does not however guarantee that the wife whose
house has been chosen will benefit directly from the estate of her late husband
but she will enjoy such benefits through her elder son who will be a custodian
for the whole family. This arrangement was done with the perception that women
could not handle family affairs properly hence everything needed to be put
under the hand of a male figure. With civilization and women having jobs and
owning their own properties, these practices have become irrelevant as women
have proven to be capable of administering properties well.
In a situation
where there is no son in all the households to be heir, girl children of the
widows are not allowed to inherit. Rather the main wife or that only wife( in a
monogamous marriage) may have to be given one of the late husbands’ brothers
for a new husband by the operation of ‘kungena’
(levirate) and a son may be born from this arrangement and inherit as an
heir.[10] This
further demonstrates the plight of women under Swazi customary law as they are
treated like properties that are inherited by their in-laws.
When the
levirate system does not take place, the deceased’s young brother coming next
after him in seniority become heir. If such brother predeceases the headman
then the brother’s own elder son or if the two situations fail then the next
brother of the deceased or his son will become heir. In the absence of such
younger brother of the deceased, or their own sons, the older brothers come in
order of their seniority where in the same way as with the younger brothers as
demonstrated above.[11] If all
the above fails then any senior male relative of the deceased will become heir
to the estate of the deceased. It is important to note that in all the
processes, the widow and her girl children have no say. In a situation where
all the above does not provide an heir then it is resorted to the deceased’s
sisters’ sons starting with the eldest sister (married sister) and if such also
does not provide then the sons of the nephews in the same order of seniority or
younger son. This process goes to even consider cousins in order to obtain an
heir who must be male to inherit the estate. In a situation where all the above
stages do not provide an heir it is then that the widow may inherit as a
guardian of the estate for her children. This practice demonstrates how women
are so much undermined by family structures. This also applies to when a woman
dies leaving her property behind. The property is automatically inherited by
her husband (if married) or her father (if unmarried).
With the enormous
role of the family inner council in the affairs of the estate of a late person,
it is very difficult for wills to be observed. The Swazi law and custom wills
are not at all times written and evidence of such testation may not be
available, for instance when the witness of such a verbal will predeceases the
testator or are giving different versions as to the nature of the bequeath.
Another is the problem of no freedom of testation, the Swazi law and custom
allows certain persons to denounce a will of a testator and continuing to
dispose of the property in intestacy even though the deceased person left a
verbal will. [12]
The lusendvo
always decides how estates are administered and distributed if the person dies
whether having made a verbal will or not.
In some parts of
Swaziland, wills that are made by people married under Swazi customary law are
observed especially when such are written as these are enforced by the office
of the Master of the High Court. This however does not preclude the family
members from forcefully evicting the widow and her children from the family
home since a family home that is located on Swazi Nation Land normally does not
form part of the property that is subject to a will as such land is perceived
to be belonging to the nation and held in trust by the King. The family inner
council may then forcefully take the family fields and use them for their own
gain. This has been proven by the spate of evictions and displacements of women
and children which has contributed to the high poverty rate.
Therefore, there
is no recognition of freedom of testation. Furthermore, problems with customary
law wills is that even persons who witness the making of such wills maybe
beneficiaries to the will as the close relatives of the deceased like his elder
sisters form part of lusendvo. Such a
will should not be made known by the beneficiaries in that they may tend to
accelerate the death of the testator. Such witnessing of the will by members of
lusendvo might cause or sow seeds of hatred of the beneficiary by those who are
not mentioned as beneficiaries. It can even sow seeds of hatred among the
beneficiaries themselves even before the death of the testator. There is not
much written on testamentary succession under Swazi law and custom. Maybe it is
because a person is under the control and supervision of lusendvo, so he may
not be free to make a will. He can only dispose of his property inter vivos, but even then the consent
of the lusendvo needs to be obtained.[13]
C) The Constitutional Implications of
the Swazi customary law on Intestacy and testate succession.
The inherent
women discrimination of Swazi customary law violates the rights of women to be
treated equally as provided by section 21 of the Constitution. In case of Marry Joyce Doo Aphane it the Supreme Court
of Swaziland held provisions of the Deeds Registry Act No1/1968 which precluded
women from registering immovable property under their name to be
unconstitutional.[14] The Doo Aphane judgment was received as a
historic step towards the equality of women in the Swazi society.[15]
Swaziland is a party to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other international human rights
instruments that protects the rights of women.[16] According
to Maxine Langwenya,
‘adopting these instruments seems to underline
the country’s willingness to respect and uphold the rights of women. However
the reality is that this theoretical commitment to women’s rights is not
matched to repeal discriminatory laws, even though they are now
discrimination against women also violates women’s right to dignity as it
exposes women to be treated without respect in contravention of the
Furthermore the forceful eviction of women and children and the vesting of
property to male heirs of a deceased person in disregard of the wife and
children of the deceased property owner violate the Constitution in so far as
it deprives them their right to own property.[19] The
Constitution describes discrimination as a means to give different treatment to
different persons attributable only or mainly to their respective descriptions
by gender, age...[20] this
definition therefore demonstrates the prohibition of the unfair treatment that
women and children face in Swaziland under the application of Swazi customary
law on inheritance.
The Constitution
further protects the rights to marry and found a family.[21] These
rights are reaffirmed by the provisions for that marriage shall be entered into
only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses and that a family
is a natural and fundamental unit of society and is entitled to protection by
the state.[22]
This therefore means that the customary practice levirate violates the
Constitution in so far as it exposes widows to forced marriages and deprives
them their family rights. This further
destroys the family unit by treating the woman with disrespect as she is given
the same status as her children, in fact her male children are even better than
her. This position results to the male heir disrespecting his mother and even
evicting her from the family home.[23]
The imposed
marriage further violates the Constitutional rights of women to refuse to
practice a custom which they don’t believe in.[24] In many
parts of Swaziland customary law is still dominant and the majority of Swazis
that practice these custom condemn women who stand up against such imposed
marriages and as a result most women in customary marriages resort to oblige
with the customs.[25] The
wrath of Swazi customary law is also suffered by children who are not permitted
to inherit at the preference of their elder brother. The Constitution protects
children either born in or out of wedlock by ensuring their rights to be
properly cared for and brought up by their parents. Swazi customary law does
not permit children born out of wedlock to inherit from the estates of their
late parents.
Further the
selection of an heir who is a relative of the deceased husband affects the
welfare of the deceased’s children as such heir may decide to keep the estate
for himself. Moreover if the widow is not entrusted with the estate of her late
husband especially the homestead, it becomes impractical for her to provide for
her children. For example in some instances the deceased may leave cattle
behind which he used to pay children’s school fees and these ends up being
taken by the heir who does not allow the widow to sell them for her children’s
The Constitution
also abolishes the status of illegitimacy of children[26] hence
the custom of disinheriting such children is unconstitutional and should be
avoided. Apart from protecting the rights of children, the Constitution also
protects the rights of spouses by providing for the reasonable provision for
surviving spouses out of the estates of their late spouses.[27] This
applies even in customary marriages regardless of whether the deceased made a
will or not. These rights however cannot be realized by women without Parliament
having passed laws to make these effective. To that end, the constitution
obliges Parliament to enact laws regulating property rights of spouses
including rights of common husband and wife and such must be done as reasonable
as practicable.[28]
The same applies with children who must have a reasonable provision out of the
estates of their parents.[29]
D) Conclusion
Many laws and customs continue to
exist in Swaziland in spite of their clear inconsistency with the Constitution
and the international treaties ratified by Swaziland. Such laws must be
repealed and such customs must be abandoned. Parliament must take action to repeal the
existing discriminatory provisions regulating inheritance, particularly in the
intestate succession laws and the administration of estates, and replace them
with laws that provide women with equal rights as guaranteed in the
Constitution and the various international treaties.[30]
Parliament must further pass laws that will give effect to the ‘reasonable
provision’ clause as provided by the Constitution and further speed up the
promulgation of the Deeds Registry Act that gives women married in community of
property the right to register immovable property in their names.
The two most important aspects of
the proposed legislative provisions on inheritance shares are; (1) that the
surviving spouse inherit explicitly, by statute the marital home upon the death
of a spouse, and (2) that the remainder of the deceased’s estate devolve half
to the surviving spouse and half to the children (to be shared equally among
them).[31] These
practices have already been adopted by various countries in Africa. For
example, South Africa has the Intestate Succession Act No81 of 1987 which
covers both civil and customary marriages. Also in South Africa the Courts in
the cases of Bhe and Others v Magistrate,
Khayelitsha and Others 2004 (1) BCLR
27 (C) and Shibi v Sithole and Others
Unreported case no 729/01 (TPD) have ruled that the provisions of customary
law which exclude females from inheriting from an intestate estate were
inconsistent with the Constitution.
The Intestate Succession Act must
be amended to guarantee all married women and children the right to remain in
their marital home after the death of a husband regardless of the type of
marriage entered into. In addition, when a spouse dies, it is essential that
the surviving spouse be entitled to half of the deceased’s estate, leaving the
remaining half to be divided among the children. Further, widows (and widowers)
must be granted the automatic right to both control and administer the estate
of their deceased spouses under the Administration of Estates Act. Without
these guarantees, women are all too vulnerable to property grabbing and forcible
In facilitating the suggested
reforms, Swaziland must create and implement programmes that will promote the
rights of women in general and further ensure that inheritance rights of both
women and children are protected. Furthermore, women whose properties have been
forcefully taken by their relatives should be assisted to access the courts for
redress. This can be done by establishing a legal unit in the Social Welfare
department that will deal with such issues or permit lawyers from Non-governmental
Organizations to assist victims in bringing their cases before court.[33] This
can also ensure strategic litigation on laws and customs that violate the
Constitution in order to influence reforms.
Securing the inheritance rights
of women and children requires a collaborative effort from both human rights
advocates and traditional leaders hence the need for civic education on these
issues cannot be over-emphasized. With this comes the political will to speed
up the process of legislation and enforcement which rests with the government
and parliament. If Swaziland could ratify 30 international instruments in one
week then it could take one day to pass a legislation protecting the
inheritance rights of women and children.[34]
- Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland Act, 2005.
- Administration of Estates Act
- Intestate Succession Act
- Bhe
and Others v Magistrate, Khayelitsha and Others 2004 (1) BCLR 27 (C).
- Marry
Joyce Doo Aphane v Registrar of Deeds Supreme Court case No12. Of 2010.
- Shibi
v Sithole and Others Unreported case no 729/01 (TPD).
- Corbett
M, Hofmeyr G, Kahn E, The Law of
Succession in South Africa, 2nd Edition Juta & Co Cape
Town South Africa 2008.
- Watch the courts dance: Litigating the Right to Non-Discrimination on the Grounds of Sex: Equal Rights Review volume 4(2009) page 26.
- South African Law Reform Commission: Report on the Customary Law of Succession , Pretoria South Africa ,2004
- The
Promise for a new Constitution- Achieving Equal Inheritance Rights for
Women in Swaziland: A human Rights Report and Proposed Legislation,
Georgetown Journal of International Law, Georgetown University Law Centre,
Volume 40, London 2009.
- Centre
on Housing Rights and Evictions Report; A place to live; Women’s
Inheritance Rights in Africa, 2005.
- Simelane N.N, Succession under Swazi Law and Custom, University of Swaziland 1994.
- Langwenya M; Historic Step Towards the Equality of Women; Analysis of the Marry Joyce Doo Aphane v Registrar of Deeds, Open Debate OSISA Johannesburg 2011.
#Phakama Shili
The Promise for a new Constitution- Achieving Equal Inheritance Rights for
Women in Swaziland: A human Rights Report and Proposed Legislation, Georgetown
University Law Centre at page 447.
M; Historic Step Towards the Equality of Women; Analysis of the Marry Joyce Doo
Aphane v Registrar of Deeds Civil Case No 383/2009 at page 2.
Swaziland ratified CEDAW a year before the adoption of the Constitution which
also protects these rights.
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions report 2005; A place to live; Women’s
Inheritance Rights in Africa, page 26.
In September 2012 Swaziland deposited 30 international instruments with the
United Nations which were ratified by the country following a one week
consultative meeting during the peoples parliament (sibaya).
(last visited 23 March 2013).
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